Our Story

While Quagsire's story began in the late 1990s, our story began in 2022 as a small one-table setup in Burlington, Vermont, as Acquire the Sire. Chris decided to take his love for his favorite Pokemon (Quagsire, if it wasn't obvious) and translate it into a passion project to not only expand the admiration and affection for the often undervalued Quagsire but also to introduce and teach the local community to the origins of Pokemon (and Quagsire).

To many people's surprise, Quagsire wasn't always Chris' favorite Pokemon. Pichu, Mudkip, and Wailord have all held that honor over the two decades that Chris has been intertwined with Pokemon. Quagsire, as is with many Pokemon fans, wasn't even on Chris' radar. That was until about 4 years ago when an image of a Quagsire plush toy produced by Hasbro in 2000 (pictured below) met his eyes.     

After seeing this very image, Chris began a determined search, unlike anything that could be described in text. During the eight-month-long investigation, Chris began to realize that there was so much more to Quagsire than meets the eye. Not only did Quagsire remind Chris of the whimsy in his love for the Muppets throughout his life, but, Quagsire also seemed to be able to achieve this effervescent presence of confidence in one's appearance, actions, and abilities. Humbly accepting anything thrown its way with grace and class.

The love for Pokemon isn't just limited to Quagsire. Chris has been heavily influenced by Pokemon throughout the majority of his life, devoting most of his time to the video game series, which was a gateway into a passion for collecting the cards.

Come 2022, it was finally time to come out of the water and deliver his personal passion while displaying it in true Quagsire fashion by bringing either confusion or smiles to anyone who passed by. Acquire The Sire was born, and so was newfound energy to build upon it. Working with local artists and businesses to produce Quagsire products, Chris saw the success and joy the once-a-month pop-up shop produced in the small city of Burlington, Vermont, and decided after a few months it was time to bring it everywhere. Just like Quagsire, location holds no bounds.

Fast forward to the present day, Acquire The Sire remains and will remain a limited pop-up shop. The next level is here in Quagsire Treasure. A storefront, museum, and a pathway for new and old collectors to come together to reach their next goal, discover their next passion, and, most importantly, look at Quagsire.