Work With Us

A driving force to the Quagsire Treasure brand is working with small businesses and independent artists. Exposure for those who are putting the focus on sustainable, ethical, and passionate work is something we will strive to do at each and every corner. Whether for our Acquire The Sire pop-up shop or our tried and true Quagsire Treasure products, we want to work with you in any way we can!

Our love for Quagsire has proven versatile and stable, bringing out the widest range of brands and artists to create an immeasurable sense of glee and curiosity. Thus far, it has been our great privilege to help expose, support, and even witness what these businesses and artists have been able to create with not only Pokemon but one single Pokemon (yes, that one single Pokemon is Quagsire). 

You can find a complete list of artists and businesses we've worked with thus far by heading over to our Contributors Page. If you are an artist who wants to create some Quagsire-themed art for us, please feel free to contact us. If you are a small business or you think you know a business that deserves the exposure, please feel free to contact us.

Contact Quagsire